Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Blackwomans' cover up........

The Nation can rise no higher than its' woman has become only a slogan with no substance. The truth that lay in those words appear to be lost. The Blackwoman with all of her education, refinement(ha!), and attitude, "I'm all that and a sack of potato chips", has gotten her nowhere.
With all the religion, spirituality(which she is so quick to claim, because it allows her to do whatever she wants no matter how immoral), and with her, so call culture(whose' culture?) she still has nothing to claim of her own. She is a soro, lawyer, doctor, nurse, teacher, call- girl, video vixen, entertainer, whore, wife, and(oh yeah, last and almost least) mother.

"The Nation can rise no higher than its woman", "where is she to rise from" We ask???????

You think you have arrived, oh but!, Blackwoman you have not even gotten started, and your persistances, to ignore, and have that, "i do not care", attitude is sending your NATION straight to HELL!! You want to complain about the Blackman, and what he is not doing (and there is some validity to that complaint), However, you are the first teachers, and nurturers, and you mold the child (the man child). "Hadn't thought about that, had you?"

Well! here is the deal, either you start thinking about it, repent, reform, and stop rebelling,(which is one reason the Blackman is tried of dealing with you, and turning to white woman)(btw brothers, that is still no excuse!!! for you ) and get busy to the business, of truly NATION BUILDING!!. Or, keep dancing and wiggling, dressing and impressing, showing off and showing up(at the clubs) , sleeping with and sleeping around your way , our NATION, STRAIGHT TO "SELF GENOCIDE".

The distraction is easy to follow(devil-whitewoman), but the consequences of your behavior is devastating. Which are you going to choose, LIFE or DEATH???

The time is running out. These are truly the last days, you are sentencing your future generation to total annihilation!!!!!!!! If you want to join in our MANDATED REFORMATION email us;

for more info contact:
The Goddess
7:55:00 PM
by The Goddess Movement

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